Keeping You Safe with Off-Duty Police Security: Operational Police Protective Services

With the constantly increasing crime rates, it’s essential to have a reliable security plan in place. At Operational Police Protective Services, we understand this need. That’s why we offer off-duty police security solutions tailored to meet your specific requirements. Operational Police Protective Services’ off-duty police officers are highly trained and experienced professionals. They come from a background of serving in federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies. This unique experience offers several advantages over traditional security guards.

Who Can Benefit from Our Off-Duty Police Officers?


Retail stores, office buildings, construction sites, and warehouses can all benefit from the added security and deterrence provided by our off-duty police officers.


Concerts, festivals, sporting events, and private parties can be more secure with a visible off-duty police presence provided by Operational Police Protective Services.

Property Management

Apartment complexes, gated communities, and student housing can benefit from our off-duty police patrols to deter crime and ensure resident safety.


 Schools are increasingly seeking security solutions to protect students and staff. At Operational Police Protective Services, our off-duty police officers can provide a visible presence and deter potential threats.


Hospitals can benefit from Operational Police Protective Services’ off-duty police security to ensure the safety of patients, staff, and visitors

VIP Protection

For individuals who require a high level of security, our off-duty police officers can provide close protection and ensure their safety in any environment.

Financial Institutions

Banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions deal with large sums of cash and valuables. Operational Police Protective Services’ off-duty police officers can deter robberies and ensure the safety of employees and customers.

Government Buildings

It’s no secret that government buildings can be targets for vandalism or protest activity. Our off-duty police provide a visible deterrent and can respond quickly to any security threats.

Places of Worship

Churches, synagogues, mosques, and other places of worship can benefit from Operational Police Protective Services’ off-duty police security, especially during large gatherings or in areas with high crime rates.

High-Value Transportation

Companies transporting valuable goods like jewelry, artwork, or sensitive documents can benefit from armed security provided by Operational Police Protective Services’ off-duty police officers.

Utilities and Infrastructure

Power plants, water treatment facilities, and other critical infrastructure are potential targets for sabotage or terrorism. Our off-duty police officers can provide security patrols and access control measures.

Movie Sets and Filming Locations

Film productions often involve expensive equipment and celebrities who may require additional security. At Operational Police Protective Services, our off-duty police officers can ensure a safe and secure filming environment.

Physical access control

Construction Sites

Construction sites can be vulnerable to theft of equipment and materials. At Operational Police Protective Services, our off-duty police patrols can deter criminal activity and protect valuable property.

Private Security for Vulnerable Individuals

Victims of domestic violence, individuals with stalking concerns, or those facing threats may require private security. Our off-duty police officers can provide a sense of safety and deter further threats.

Emergency Response

At Operational Police Protective Services, our off-duty police officers have additional training in emergency response procedures. This can be crucial in situations like medical emergencies or natural disasters, providing on-site assistance until professional help arrives.

Understanding The Working of Our Off-Duty Police Security

When you partner with Operational Police Protective Services for your off-duty police security needs, you gain a comprehensive security solution tailored to your specific situation. Our first step is a thorough risk assessment, where we’ll work closely with you to identify potential vulnerabilities and develop a customized security plan.

This plan will leverage the extensive training and experience of our off-duty police officers. Each officer undergoes rigorous vetting and additional training to ensure they meet our high standards. Their expertise in law enforcement translates to a keen understanding of criminal behavior and effective prevention strategies. Moreover, depending on the situation, off-duty police may retain certain legal authorities, adding another layer of deterrence.

We offer a variety of deployment options to meet your needs. Whether you require a uniformed officer stationed at a fixed post, mobile patrols to deter crime across a large property, or a dedicated security detail for a special event, Operational Police Protective Services has you covered. Our solutions are also designed to be cost-effective. Compared to hiring full-time police officers, off-duty security offers a practical alternative that delivers exceptional value.

Perhaps the most significant benefit of choosing OPPS Protection is the peace of mind it brings. Knowing that highly trained and experienced law enforcement professionals are watching over your business, employees, or loved ones allows you to focus on what matters most. Our off-duty police officers provide a visible deterrent, de-escalate tense situations effectively, and can take decisive action if necessary. With Operational Police Protective Services on your side, you can feel confident that your security needs are in capable hands!

Why Choose Operational Police Protective Services’ Off-Duty Police for Security?

Extensive Training

Operational Police Protective Services’ off-duty police officers undergo rigorous training in de-escalation tactics, physical security measures, and emergency response procedures. This ensures they can handle a wide range of situations effectively.


With years on the force, Operational Police Protective Services’ off-duty police officers possess a deep understanding of criminal behavior and crime prevention strategies.

Professional Demeanor

Operational Police Protective Services’ off-duty police officers are trained to maintain a calm and professional presence, which can be a valuable asset in de-escalating tense situations.

Community Trust

Having a uniformed police officer on-site can create a sense of security and deter potential crime by letting would-be criminals know a trained professional is present. Operational Police Protective Services can make a difference!

Reach Out to an Off-Duty Police Security Specialist at Operational Police Protective Services

Don’t settle for average security and get the proven expertise of off-duty police officers. Operational Police Protective Services offers customized plans, highly trained professionals, and flexible deployment options. Stop worrying about security threats – start securing assets, business facilities, events, and people with Operational Police Protective Services. Get in touch with us for a consultation today!

Don’t wait for crime to strike! Contact Operational Police Protective Services today for a free consultation and let our experienced armed security professionals design a customized armed security plan to keep you, your valuables, and your peace of mind safe.


Please complete this form to contact Operational Police Protective Services for a no-obligation risk assessment.

Contact Details:

Address: Pasadena, Maryland.

Call: (443) 790-2511